Rights and responsibilities as a client

On this page you can find information about what to expect from us, and what we expect from you. These are your right and your responsibilities (R&R) as a client at cohealth.

Your rights and your responsibilities as a client

What to expect from us – your rights

We will:

  • Keep your information safe and secure.
  • Provide services in a safe and caring environment.
  • Provide you with access to your records.
  • Show respect for you, your beliefs, your personal circumstances and identity.
  • Give you health care that is safe, accessible and of high quality.
  • Communicate with you in a clear, respectful and timely way.
  • Give you information that you understand so you can make decisions about your healthcare.
  • Help you have a say in how your health service works.
  • Help you to decide for yourself, even when there are risks.
  • Help you to choose services and service providers that meet your needs where possible.
  • Help you to have a person of your choice, including an advocate, support you or speak on your behalf.
  • Arrange a free Interpreter. Ask us to arrange.
  • Tell you the fees that might apply.
  • Follow Australian privacy laws and only release information if;
    • you agree or,
    • we have to by law or,
    • our funding agreement requires it.

What we expect from you – your responsibilities

You will:

  • Give us correct information so we can best help you.
  • Respect our staff, property and other people using our services you will act in a way that means you and others are safe.
  • Tell us if you cannot attend an appointment. This is very important.

You are welcome to

Use an interpreter

For free access to an interpreter you can phone 131 450 and ask them to call us on:

  • Collingwood, Fitzroy, Melbourne CBD – 9448 5528
  • Kensington, North Melbourne, Niddrie – 9448 5520
  • Footscray, Braybrook, Werribee, Melton – 9448 5502

Use a client advocate

Everyone has a right to bring a support person or advocate to cohealth. An advocate is someone who can support you or talk on your behalf. Understanding how to find an advocate can help ensure you get the health care you need. Find out more information on how to access an advocate.

About us

cohealth is a not-for-profit community health organisation. We provide essential health and support services in Melbourne’s CBD, inner-north and inner-west, and the east coast of Tasmania.

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