Buddhist temple in Braybrook and Mosque in Tottenham newest pop-up vaccination clinics

Released on 5th October 2021

cohealth has joined with Maribyrnong Council to open Buddhist temple and Mosque pop-up vaccination clinics for the community. A pop-up vaccination clinic at the Quang Minh Buddhist temple in Braybrook which will operate from 4-8 October and a second vaccination clinic at the Australia Light Foundation mosque in Tottenham from 11-15 October. 

The Venerable Thich Phuoc Tan, the Abbot of the Quang Minh temple, said that supporting the vaccination rollout was aligned with Buddhist philosophy to end suffering 

“I look at this as a spiritual path. The pandemic is causing enormous human suffering around the world. Vaccination is a pathway for us to alleviate suffering, so it’s the right choice,” said the Venerable Thich. 

“At least in this small corner of the world, this is something we can do. Let’s get on with this and work together.” 

The Venerable Thich said that he had an important role to play in explaining the vaccination to people in his community. 

“For people who follow Buddhism, or listen to me, I can appeal to them with a language and philosophy that they are familiar with,” he said. 

Dr Kim Webber, Executive Lead Strategy & Partnerships said, ”This is an important partnership with a community that has deep connections in the west. Taking the vaccine to places where people feel safe and supported will help us hit those vaccination targets.” 

“The turnout at the temple has been tremendous. We vaccinated several hundred people in the first two days alone. We’ll be here all week and will return next month to give people their second jabs,” she said. 

Braybrook resident, Dung Nguyen, 66, said he was happy to be getting his vaccination at the temple. 

“I feel happy to be here. It’s a place I come every week because they have a fruit and vegetable market outside,” said Dung.  

“I want to get the vaccination because then if I get COVID it will be less serious, and I won’t have to go to hospital.” 

“I want to get back to normal. I want to visit my son in America. That’s what I’m looking forward to,” he said. 

Quang Minh Temple, 18 Burke St, Braybrook 

Open:  4 – 8 October, 10.30am-4.30pm 

 Australia Light Foundation, 291/293 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 

Open: 11-15 October, 10am-4.30pm  


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More information: media@cohealth.org.au or 0499 101 638

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cohealth is a Victorian not-for-profit community health organisation that strives to improve health and wellbeing for all. It provides universal access to services as well as targeted programs and assertive models to address the health disparities experienced by disadvantaged groups. cohealth offers a broad range of high quality, integrated health and support services, including medical oral, pharmacy, mental health and drug and alcohol services. 

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